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Get Special Gigs Listed

Band leaders affiliated with PRJC can get their special gigs listed on the All That Jazz
page of this website at no cost. Send e-mail to
The All That Jazz lists gigs for several months out.
Trad Jazz band leaders or managers may also submit YouTube video clips of their bands for
consideration for the monthly PRJC Band of the Month spotlight on the PRJC Main Page.
Send PRJC an e-mail at prjclub@gmail.com for consideration.
Only Trad Jazz videos, please. Priority is given, but not limited, to PRJC-affiliated bands.
Please include the embed code or video link.
In addition, band leaders or managers may submit gig info for publication in
The American Rag, a monthly newspaper serving traditional jazz and ragtime music fans
throughout the country. Instructions: To ensure accuracy of these listings only gig information
submitted by bandleaders/managers who are
American Rag subscribers and who contact the Rag directly will be
included. Mail non-festival related gig information to Don Jones, Publisher, 20137 Skyline Ranch Drive,
Apple Valley, CA 29308-5035, or by phone to 760-2478-5d145, or e-mail
don@americanrag.com. Information must be received by the 5th of
the month preceding the event. Gigs are listed by the state where the performance will be.

Want to Jam? Come Along. Bring Axe.

The PRJC organizes a monthly open jam session at Normandie Farm Restaurant in MD from 2:30-5:30pmpm,
providing opportunities for novice or accomplished dixieland jazz musicians, and all skills in
between, to get together and play in a relaxed setting. The jam session starts with the
Washington Conservatory Classic Jazz Band opening and closing the set with a Jam in the middle.
Free to musicians with their axes and other instruments.
For all non-jammers, a $10 donation is requested.
Get details and date for this month's jam at: All that Jazz, "Upcoming PRJC Events," on the right.

Starting a Record Label

NOTE: The following information, sent to the PRJC Web site, may be of interest to musicians trying to
break into the independent recording business. This is not an endorsement by PRJC.

In the Right Direction - A Beginners Guide To Starting A Record Label (3rd Edition) by Samuel D. Gilleylen; $16.25. Future Mix Publications; ISBN 0972304207

If you are trying to break into the independent recording business this book may help.
Learn to promote, market and sell your own independent CDs. A book for young songwriters, aspiring
recording artists, studio owners and music producers.

Taking Your Band to the UK?

The following information is based on an item which originally appeared in The American Rag in the
column Sticks & Stones written by A.C. Stone:

The UK (England) Jazz Services initiated a free, jazz search facility for bands planning UK tours. Go to the clubs web site at

The service is accessed from the services link of the site. It allowes bands
from anywhere in the world to select and print contact details for thousands of UK jazz musicians, venues, tutors, festivals and much more.

This service is not only of benefit to bands contemplating a UK tour, but also useful for any jazz fan who plans travel in that part of the world.

Tips for CD Producers

Hoping for airplay for your latest CD? Make the job of the radio
announcer easier. How? Here are some tips from the host of a
well-known jazz radio program. Include the following on your CD card insert:
- The track numbers.
- The run time of each track.
- The date the recordings were made.
- The full name(s) of the tunes composer(s).

Used Musical Instruments Needed

The Common Denominator, Washingtons Hometown Newspaper, has a
feature in its November 17, 2003 edition on the lack of funds, uniforms
and instruments for the DC High School Bands, once the pride of their
neighborhoods. You can access this story at

According to CHIME (Community Help in Music Education), which promotes
music education in District of Columbia schools, the kids are doing
their best to raise their own funds, helped by donations from the
teachers own pockets, but this cannot overcome a school budget so
squeezed that there is no money in it for instruments, instrument
repairs, uniforms, or, for that matter, for music instruction, other
than as an option in competition with other needed school optional activities.

The benefits to children and to the city of supporting school music,
bands in particular, are well known, yet ignored at funding time, CHIME
says. The politicians have let the schools down, despite all the
rhetoric, and so the Community must step in to help. CHIME, which is
mentioned in the article, has been collecting and distributing donated
instruments in good repair to DC public schools for four years. But
this year the organization would like to make its instrument drive more
widely-known, and involve other partners in the effort, so that every
child with an interest can get in a band and have a decent instrument to

Besides band instruments, CHIME is also interested in donations of
pianos in good condition, 1/2 and 3/4 size violins (for a new string
program at Amidon Elementary School), and rhythm instruments for very
young children.

Those who would like to join in working on this drive, have an
instrument to donate, want to make a donation to purchase or repair
instruments or buy uniforms, or want to help with any other CHIME
program, may contact the organization at info@chime-dc.org, or visit its
Web site http://www.chime-dc.org, and click on the CHIME In! page.

DCjazz Offers Websites to Local Musicians

Local musicians ought to check out the DCjazz website which offers to
build them a website and promote them. The site welcomes new artists
and says it now has 2,500 visitors a day. Its mailing list now has more
than 7,500 names. DCjazz offers artists an opportunity for hosting,
sales and promotion. Click on Jazz Links at the top of this page and
find DCjazz under Miscellaneous.


The Traditional Jazz Educators Network (TJEN) has issued a call to all musicians and record
collectors to share their LPs, CDs, and unpublished arrangements with young musicians through
the TJEN Resource Library. The TJEN Resource Library makes a variety of resources available to
educators for use with their students at no charge. Arrangements for traditional jazz band
(five to eight pieces) are needed at all levels of difficulty. Also needed are traditional
jazz recordings for study by young musicians learning the genre.

If you would like your band to be heard and studied by young musicians, please consider
donating copies of your recordings to the TJEN Resource Library, says Dave Robinson,
TJEN founder. Even better, says Dave, donate copies of some of your bands written
arrangements for the use of young players! Lack of good arrangements is a major inhibitor to
many beginning youth groups.

Donated items will be made available at no charge to jazz educators who request them.
Unpublished arrangements will be provided for the use of youth groups only; they will not be
disseminated to any adult group. The borrower will agree to acknowledge the arranger each time
the youth band performs the arrangement.

Its an easy, painless way to help the cause, says Dave. Materials may be sent to Traditional
Jazz Educators Network, 8935 Orchard Dr., Chestertown, MD 21620. For more information about
TJEN, visit the TJEN website at www.prjc.org/tjen. |
To receive a PDF sample of
"Tailgate Ramblings"
send an e-mail to PRJC
with "Sample Newsletter"
as the subject line and include your name in the text. |