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Other Jazz Clubs/Societies

Arizona Classic Jazz Society
Calendar of jazz events of all types (mainly modern) in Phoenix and environs. The Society sponsors the Arizona Classic Jazz Festival every year in November.

Austin Traditional Jazz Society
This new jazz web site includes dates and bands presented in concert by the society in Austin, TX. A
must-visit site for jazz fans traveling to the Texas state capital.

The Cape Fear Jazz Society
The Cape Fear Jazz Society is a non-profit organization based in Wilmington, North Carolina whose mission is to educate the public, and promote and preserve America s only true art form called "Jazz." EMAIL: capefearjazzsociety@gmail.com

Jazz & Blues Florida
"Music Listing" events lets you browse jazz events of all types in various Florida counties
plus information on the Southwest Florida Blues Festival.

New England Traditional Jazz Plus
This traditional Jazz, dixieland, ragtime and swing on-line newsletter was created to support New England musicians and to encourage and preserve live jazz. Lists regional trad bands and their appearances.

New Jersey Jazz Society
Multi-band concerts and festivals are held at various locations several times a year.
Information is available at 800-303-NJJS. Membership is inexpensive and gets you the
acclaimed Jersey Jazz monthly magazine. Membership information and ticket
orders are available on the website above.

New Orleans Jazz Club of Northern California Facebook page
Northern California Jazz Societies. Includes Napa Valley Dixieland Jazz
Society, South Bay Traditional Jazz Society and The Friends of Jazz.

Northern Virginia Ragtime Society
The Northern Virginia Ragtime Society (NVRS) was founded in December 1979 for
the purpose of promoting an interest in classical ragtime and related forms of music.

Pennsylvania Jazz Society
Activities of the Pennsylvania Jazz Society are centered in the
southeastern part of the state, within reasonable travel distance from
the District, Maryland, Delaware and southern New Jersey. The site lists the society's event calendar.

Puget Sound Traditional Jazz Society
Traditional jazz is alive and well in Seattle and the Northwest: classic jazz, dixieland, ragtime, Chicago and New Orleans jazz, West Coast revival, San Francisco style. Site provides calendar
of Jazz Around the Sound.

St. Louis Jazz Club
Preserving Trad Jazz in the St. Louis area - offering news, reviews, and links to jazz sites.

San Diego - America's Finest City Dixieland Jazz Society
A large and active society which puts on a highly popular
annual five-day Dixieland Jazz Festival held Thanksgiving weekend at the
Town & Country Resort Hotel and Convention Center in San Diego. They also publish a
superb monthly newsletter.

San Francisco Traditional Jazz Foundation
Has an archive of several thousand items relating to the
jazz revival begun in San Francisco about 1939, the San
Francisco Traditional Jazz Foundation helps foster live,
high quality traditional jazz, regionally and
worldwide. Has CD's for sale and offers sound clips.

Swing and Jazz Preservation Society
Swing & Jazz Preservation Society is a non-profit jazz concert organizations that produces jazz concerts
in the Boca Raton, Florida area. They have presented such internationally know jazz artists as Dave Brubeck,
Bucky Pizzarelli, Bob Crosby s Bob Cats and many others.

The Traditional Jazz Educators Network
The Traditional Jazz Educators
Network (TJEN) is an organization dedicated to perpetuating the
traditional jazz idiom through education. TJEN promotes and facilitates
the teaching of traditional jazz history and performance techniques to
young people. This site has links to other interesting jazz sites.

Tri-State Jazz Society
The New Jersey-based Tri-State Jazz Society presents trad jazz
concerts throughout the year. This site lists upcoming concerts and
directions to the venue.

Vancouver, BC, Dixieland Jazz Society
Information on the society's major events,
the Vancouver DixieFest in September, a three-day, seven-band
festival, and the Spring DixieFest in March, a one-day, two-band

Eastern States Jazz Festivals/Events

Atlanta Jazz Party
A top drawer festival featuring mostly mainstream jazz all stars in various
combinations over a full weekend in April in Atlanta, GA. All events in a single, non-smoking venue.

Chattanooga Traditional Jazz Festival
Long-standing festival favorite (since 1990!) of fans in the Washington-Baltimore area which is
held the first weekend in May at the Chattanooga Choo-Choo Holiday Inn.
Four bands play consecutively in one large venue, hence the motto: The boutique jazz festival where service matters and the jazz comes to you.
Hosts Mike and Astrid Griffin take a friendly and personal interest in the comfort of their
guests, which ensures a high percentage of return business. E-mail to
Mggriffin29@aol.com or phone 423-266-6434.

Music at Gretna Concerts
Music at Gretna produces and presents indoor and outdoor concerts of
chamber music and jazz in south central Pennsylvania in summer and
winter. See separate jazz listing at end of the sites concert

North Carolina Jazz Festival
In February, one of the oldest jazz festivals in the country, the North Carolina Jazz Festival hosts a 3 day event held in the ballroom of the Wilmington Hilton Riverside,
featuring internationally known jazz musicians from across the U.S., Australia, Italy, and Canada. Fifteen jazz all-stars
will play 7 sets of traditional and classic jazz each night on Friday & Saturday nights, while Thursday is a Special Event Night featuring different styles of jazz.
More information from Sandy Evans at 910-793-1111 or E-mail ncjazzfest@yahoo.com and www.ncjazzfestival.com.

Shenandoah Valley Musical Festival
In Orkney Springs, VA, in the mountains just west of the Shenandoah
Valley, the Shenandoah Valley Music Festival often presents big band or
traditional jazz events during its summer concert series.

Smithsonian Smithsonian Jazz Masterworks Orchestra (SJMO)
The SJMO is the orchestra-in-residence at the National Museum of American History, charged with a mission of
presenting and perpetuating the legacy of jazz. The SJMO presents a series of concerts featuring the full orchestra
as well as smaller configurations highlighting the music of some of jazz s greatest composers and musicians.

The South Florida Jazz Summit
The South Florida Jazz Summit is a fundraising event produced annually by the Jazz Museum of Florida, Inc.
The SFJS features educational panel discussions, performances by area professional musicians and school ensembles,
seminars and workshops on various topics relating to the music and the business. All proceeds from this event
go to the Jazzonian Young Jazz Leaders Scholarship initiative and community outreach jazz education programs
under the aegis of the Jazz Museum of Florida, Inc.

Suncoast Dixieland Jazz Classic
Large and growing weekend festival at Clearwater Beach, FL, in November.
Festival Director is Dave Fanning who can be reached at
dfanjazz@aol.com or 727-343-8028

Takoma Park Jazz Fest
An annual one-day festival held at Jequie Park in Takoma Park, MD, in June. Mostly mainstream jazz with a touch of trad.

Jazz Publications
American Rag Archive
Syncopated Times maintains an archive of the monthly traditional jazz and ragtime newspaper, American Rag with selected
articles and lists/links for upcoming festivals.

Mississippi Rag
The monthly voice of Traditional Jazz and Ragtime with recent articles and lists/links for upcoming festivals is now on-line and free. Features, columns, reviews, listings and viewpoints are all included along with numerous color photos. The print version of the Rag was discontinued in October 2006.
RIPM Jazz Periodicals
An essential, unique collection of American jazz periodicals, of great importance to any
lover of jazz and its history, and a primary source reference and research tool for all libraries.

Roots of Jazz
All About Jazz
Interesting timeline of jazz history with year-by-year highlights from 1895 to the present.
Click on the year to get details.

Biographies of Jazz Musicians
Directs you to hundreds of biography websites for jazz musicians and singers.

Bix Beiderbecke Resource
A Bixography! This site is dedicated to the preservation and dissemination of sources of
information about Bix Beiderbecke, the musical genius from Davenport,
Iowa. Annotated lists of books, articles, video tapes, audio tapes,
recordings, and related items are provided.

Jazz Standards
A website dedicated to the preservation of information for the musical compositions known as Jazz Standards. The information at this site has been assembled from hundreds of reference books and historical documents with additional commentary by jazz performers, historians, and musicologists.

New England Jazz History Database
An active and growing library of Historical materials focused on the History of Jazz in New England.
It is the culmination of a partnership between the International Association for Jazz Education and
the Worcester Polytechnic Institute. This is a newly created web resource, containing hundreds of historical jazz materials.

Ragtime/Blues/Hot Piano
Mike Meddings highly-regarded website which features the
music of Jelly Roll Morton, Frank Melrose, J. Lawrence Cook,
Joseph Lamb and Dick Wellstood, together with other notable
ragtime, blues and hot piano performers. Mikes personal collection
includes interesting letters, photographs and other historic
documents associated with ragtime as well as MIDI files arranged
and sequenced by Warren S. Trachtman and others.

The Rag-Time Ephemeralist
Devoted to the Preservation and Dissemination of
Articles and Items Relating to Nineteenth and early
Twentieth Century Popular Music, The Rag-Time
Ephemeralist still hopes to address your home or
office syncopation needs.

The Red Hot Jazz Archive
A history of jazz before 1930. The Red Hot Archive is a place to study and enjoy the music of these early

The Sidney Bechet Society, Ltd.
Formed in July of 1997. Its charter is to promote the music inspired
by Sidney Bechet. The projects include proclamations for the Sidney
Bechet Day in Queens and Brooklyn, a Sidney Bechet stamp, publishing
the Bechet Quarterly, and presenting jazz concerts.

Dedicated to the preservation of early recorded sounds,
such as wax cylinder music on CD.

Tulane's center for Jazz research
The William Ransom Hogan Archive of New Orleans Jazz. The Hogan Jazz Archive is a renowned
resource for New Orleans Jazz research. Our collection
includes oral histories, recorded music,
photographs and film, and sheet music and orchestrations.

Recorded Jazz For Sale
Arbors Records
Arbors Records, home of contemporary classic jazz and swing.

Jazz n Blues
A reliable dealer who stocks or can get European labels, and who
provides good personal service.

George H. Buck, Jr.'s Jazz Foundation family of record labels. Extensive listings. Labels include Jazzology for traditional Chicago Style jazz,
G.H.B. for New Orleans style jazz, American Music for authentic New
Orleans jazz., Audiophile for classic American pop songs, and Circle for
big bands.

The Wolverine Antique Music Society
The Wolverine Antique Music Society deals with shellac
records, their making, playing, shipping, and the artists who recorded
on them.

Listen to Jazz on the Radio/Internet
Bo Lewis Big Band Dance Party
Listen to Bo Lewis Big Band Dance Party on WNAV Radio-1430 (Annapolis,
MD) and on the Internet in RealAudio®. It is broadcast on Sunday evenings
from 9:00 PM to 12 midnight (Eastern). The first two hours feature classic
swing from the 30s & 40s. The final hour spotlights hot new swing groups
of today.

Last FM, Dixieland Bands
Lengthy list/links for dixieland jazz bands worldwide,
some with sound files.

Hot Jazz Saturday Night
WAMU (88.5 FM) Rob Bamberger's Hot Jazz Saturday Night reminds listeners of the energy and charm of this
distinctive musical form that is inextricably woven into our history.

Stanford University's RiverWalk Jazz Archives
Stanford University hosts a site live-streaming archived Riverwalk shows with Jim Cullum.

Millennium Stage Performance Archive
Audio/Video of past performances on the Kennedy Center Millennium Stage
including the hour-long appearances by the Buck Creek Jazz Band on Feb 27 and
April 22, 2001, and February 12, 2002.
For future performances, click on Millennium Stage at the
Kennedy Center Calendar.

WKCR from Columbia University in New York City
WKCR-FM originated in the early part of the twentieth century as the Columbia University
Radio Club (CURC). An exact date of origin is not known, but documentation of the CURC
exists as early as 1936. Click on the "live broadcast" link to get to MP3 Stream to listen with WinAmp, iTunes/Quicktime, Zinf, and RealPlayer or RealAudio.

WWOZ New Orleans
Since 1995 WWOZ-FM radio has provided New Orleans music to the world through its broadcast stream at
www.wwoz.org. For the past 13 years WWOZ has recorded more than 3,000 hours of live music performances from every venue in the city. Click one of these links: MP3 Stream to listen with WinAmp, iTunes/Quicktime, Zinf, and RealPlayer or Windows Media Stream to listen with Windows Media Player.

Jazz Cruises/Tours
Jazz Fest at Sea
Cruises featuring bands like the Jim Cullum Jazz Band and musicians like Ed Polcer,
Allan Vache, John Cocuzzi and Mark Shane.

Jazz Walking Tours in New York City
Jazz journalist Paul Blair guides jazz-focused walking tours in various
Manhattan neighborhoods, with a special focus on Harlem. The site also
contains dozens of links to New York jazz venues plus other information
useful to NYC visitors -- particularly those who love jazz.

Jazzdagen Tours
Jazz tours and cruises organized by Alida L. Meijers,
wife of Pieter Meijers, leader of the High Sierra Jazz Band.

JazzSea Cruises
Jazz cruises organized by Carol Neumann.


DC Jazz
Established in July 1999 to unite jazz musicians, listeners and supporters of the DC, Maryland,
Virginia area. Info on local musicians. Does not emphasize trad.

Elderhostel, Inc.
A not-for-profit organization providing high-quality,
affordable, short-term educational adventures (some featuring jazz) for
adults 55 and older.

Traditional Jazz Educators Network
The Traditional Jazz Educators Network (TJEN) is an organization dedicated to perpetuating the traditional jazz idiom through education. TJEN promotes and facilitates the teaching of traditional jazz history and performance techniques to young people. At this site you will find information about TJEN, a directory of traditional jazz youth groups, a compendium of resources for teaching traditional jazz, and links to other useful sites. The founder and director of TJEN is Dave Robinson, a member of PRJC.

Washboards International
The washboard as a rhythm jazz instrument. Concerts, history, photos. Where to buy em.
To receive a free sample copy of
"Tailgate Ramblings"
send an e-mail to PRJC
with "Sample Newsletter"
as the subject line and include your name and address in the text. |